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Champions HOckey
2012 Elite academy 

Champions Hockey is excited to announce that we will be hosting an 8 icetime 2012 Winter Program 


This program will consist of 20 skaters and two goalies. Four ice times will be 10x10 scrimmage type format and the other 4 will consist of different small area games to create skill/playmaking and ultimately develop more compete level in players. 


This program is invite only and for Elite 2012 players in the area. These icetimes will be run mainly by Program Coordinator Matt Wright as well as Dax and Stacy. 


There will be a coach per bench for the 10x10 scrimmage sessions. 


This is an Elite Program with the focus of developing top 2012 on 3 main focuses 


1. Compete 

2. Playmaking Ability 

3. Puck Movement 


Cost of Program is $195.00 + HST (8 sessions)

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